"My Shadow is My Skin: Voices from the Iranian Diaspora" Group Reading

Apr 17, 2021

"My Shadow is My Skin: Voices from the Iranian Diaspora" Group Reading

Along with our community friends and co-presenters with Seattle-Isfahan Sister City Advocacy, we are delighted to present this group reading from the recently published anthology My Shadow is My Skin: Voices from the Iranian Diaspora (University of Texas Press). Edited by Katherine Whitney and Leila Emery, it is expected that both editors, along with esteemed scholar/author Persis Karim, who wrote the book’s foreword, will be part of this, along with contributors Siamak Vossoughi, Darius Atefat-Peckham, Dena Rod and Cyrus Copeland. Danyal Lotfi will host. Over thirty nonfiction pieces here reflect a wide experience of diaspora and identity.


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